Thursday 11 October 2012

The Good Life...That's What I'm Living!

Salutations Sparkly One! It is completely fabaroo to be sitting here having finally had a 'Great Big Think' about my Bucket List and be pretty much ready to share some of my thoughts and ideas on this subject.
Firstly, I have come to the conclusion that I do not particularly care much for the term 'Bucket List'. I don't think I am alone in feeling like there is something, well a bit too dowdy and ordinary about a bucket. It cannot be denied that the humble bucket is a functional piece of equipment, and every home should have one. However, the the aim of the game here is surely to make a working record of the most incredibly exhilarating, amazingly fulfilling, super-dupertastic deep and meaningful experiences that you can cobble together in your cranium. Oh and yes, I have done the Googly-woogly image search...I typed in: sparkly bucket, glittery bucket, twinkly bucket and finally...shiny bucket. Shiny bucket actually yielded a couple of options that made me go: "Hmmm...yeahh....naaahh" (Am thinking in 'Kiwi' more and more's kinda nice, like I'm turning into 'The Subconscious Kiwi) Haha, it has rather a nice ring to it.
Anyway, I affliction you'll become accustomed to should you care to drop by again.....So since the (Kick the) Bucket List is, well by it's very nature, time sensitive due to imminent expiry in a lack of breath kind of scenario and.....hopefully that isn't on the cards any time soon. So! Here it is......after all that procrastination......You still awake?......Yes, Sparklepops, I give you (In no particular order):


  1. Travel. NYC, Japan, Cuba, India feature as main destinations that stand out in definite 'must do' territory.
  2. Purchase a random ticket to anywhere...and honour it.
  3. Visit/Revisit Northern Ireland, Liverpool and Mighty, Mighty Cumbria. “It’s always good to remember where you come from and celebrate it. To remember where you come from is part of where you’re going.” (Anthony Burgess)
  4. Ride a yellow cab in NYC
  5. Learn to be competent in a foreign language.
  6. Sleep outside, under the stars. 
  7. Cook on the beach.
  8. Catch a fish.
  9. Write for a living.
  10. Host a party/function for charity.
  11. Be body painted.
  12. See Stevie Wonder and Prince live in concert.
  13. Renew wedding vows.
  14. Get a bike and ride it.
  15. Take a road trip with my friends.
  16. Host a Midwinter Christmas.
  17. Skydive.
  18. Drive a Ferrari.
  19. Eat pizza in Italy.
  20. Always be in touch with my Inner Child.
  21. Take a dance class.
  22. Take photography lessons.
  23. Get a tattoo.
  24. Ride a motorbike.
  25. Take a trip in a hot air balloon.
  26. Learn how to make a perfect pan o' scouse.
  27. Wear a couture gown.
  28. Own a pair of Laboutins.
  29. Dance on a table in a packed out bar.
  30. See the Northern and Southern Lights.
  31. Milk a cow.
  32. Sleep in an igloo.
  33. Visit the Ground Zero Memorial.
  34. Cultivate a veggie patch.
  35. Paint a picture that is worthy of hanging in the house.
  36. Have a psychic reading.
  37. Start up my own business.
  38. Eat and learn to make sushi.
  39. Observe what happens in a Funeral Parlour.
  40. Sleep in a very, very posh hotel.
  41. Get absolutely smashed off cocktails with my friends.
  42. Make friends with someone famous.
  43. Meet another KEM (both married and unmarried surname as initials are the same)
  44. Learn to pole dance.
  45. Send a care parcel to a soldier.
  46. Carry out random acts of kindness as often as possible.
  47. Make a 'dirty movie' with my husband.
  48. Fire a gun at a shooting range.
  49. Go skinny dipping at night.
  50. Drive so fast I'm scared.

So there it is folks 50 Shades of Stuff I Want to get on with it huh? Now...where to begin...?

Friday 10 August 2012

Things That Make You Go.....Whoop-De-Ding-Dang-Doo!

Well, hello there you mighty Blogdawgs! How are you all today?...well, technically it's this evening in my little patch of the world, but you know...gotta cover all bases. Somewhere in the world it is well and truly Gin Time!! So, like Montel Jordan quite rightly said to us back in the day "Tip up your cup and throw your hands up and let me hear the party say: I'm kinda buzzed and it's all because (all together now!) This is how we do it!
That is us my friend, it really is...although I don't necessarily buy into the notion that 'South Central Does it Like Nobody Does', cos quite frankly, I am of the opinion that we are doing pretty feckin well in our respective locations, but there's no denying yer man had a point.
Auld Montypants as we'll affectionately call him, was harping on about how great his 'hood' is and that's all well and good, but I think what's vital is how great your 'head' is. If you are in a piss poor place at any time, then your weapon of choice has absolutely got to be this:


We're absolutely talking a Kaboom! Pow! Feckin Hell Yeah! mantra  running on a loop inside your bonce.....

In addition to this, it's important to adopt one or more of the following (obviously depending on whatever makes you feel comfortable):

  • A shit hot, amazing pair of bangin heels/man shoes;
  • An outfit that makes you look and feel more than a million dollars;
  • A stellar, genuine can resist a stellar, genuine smile;
  • Wherever you go, do as my fabulous, 'Sparkling to the Max' Dapper Don Disco Daddy (ummm my Dad in normal speak...) does and 'Walk in Like You Feckin Own the Place!'
  • Believe your own hype;
  • Tap into your passions and all those things you wanted to be, wanted to experience, the places you promised yourself you'd visit. Life likes to chuck us curved balls all the time, but we've totally got to cling on to the things we love and share them with the people we love. So, now we write them a Bucket List.....
Although there's no denying that this concept is fantastic and all about squeezing every last dayglo drop of fun times and happiness before you...ummm...Kick the Bucket, I've always wondered why people leave it until they are waiting to die to get on up and start to live.
I actually think that today is the day I write my 'Bucket List'. You can bet your arse it will be jam packed full of positivity and good times......

Will come back to this in my next post because, quite frankly I'm finding it rather tricky. This must frustrate the crap out of those who are facing imminent expiry....
Mwahzicles of Fabulocity xxxx We out. 

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Joy is a New Sensation, New Vibration, Rockin' the Nation

Hey Blogbunnies! How are we all doing today? Here's hoping that all is rockin' in your world. If not, well I hope there's a little somethin' for ya in today's Blog of Good Times.
Today my little honeypuffs, it's all about:


To achieve this, I have made a pact with myself and it is to:

(a) Locate and shamelessly showcase my 'Inner Child' This means things like dancing in the rain, rolling down hills, seeing how many crackers/dry biscuits you can fit in your mouth without drinking, dancing with reckless abandon, singing like you are ahem...talented......
(b) Surround  myself with positive, interesting, dynamic people (No Sparkle Suckers on my watch!!)
(c) Play music all the time...very, very loud;
(d) Try to live life with the wonderment of a child seeing things for the first time;
(e) Pay absolutely no mind to anyone in your bubble who is negative, bleak or tries to dampen your enthusiasm. It's a tricky one, but not impossible to manage;
(f) Accept my limitations, but remain committed to finding ways to overcome them;
(g) LIVE IN THE NOW!!! This state of mind is completely vital in the process of locating the effervescent, fizzbomb fabulous Inner Smile;
(h) Dare myself to do what I know will take me out of my comfort zone;
(i) Embrace your guilty pleasures. Provided they don't hurt anybody go's a song....It's your thing, do what you want to do. I can't tell you, who to sock it to...
(j) In short my delicious funpuffs...everyone loves a smile. So give 'em yours. There's nothing at all you can't laugh at (in my opinion) 

Joy is a very elusive little fecker of an emotion, kinda like looking for a needle in a haystack (oooh, there goes a song...) As sneaky as a fox, it is firmly stashed in the higher echelons of 'Positive Vibes', but it is able to be found...if you care to look hard enough and accept that it may take a while.
So go on something just for the fun of it!

This is still my fledgeling second blog....I hope that you don't see me as too much of a gobshite (even though that's precisely what I am) trying to spout her opinions without any semblance of professionalism. I just want to have Love and Happiness (Al Green) all over the place. Life's too short to be a Misery Merchant so: Do your worst my lovelies....sprinkle fun and Good Times wherever you go.

Just as an aside: I have been out walking first thing in the morning for around two weeks now and you know what?!?!  It feels AMAZING!!!! I've never been much of a Sportybod, but this Stompfest I've got going on a daily basis is seriously good for the soul. I kid you not Reader, I was walking...just strutting my stuff, Mighty Stevie Wonderland was booming through my headphones (the track was Boogie on Reggae Woman) and I looked at the awe inspiring vista of flat calm lake, snow-capped mountains, I felt the crisp chill in the air that makes you walk harder and go further. I felt a smile come over my turned into a grin..I was singing out loud and I couldn't have cared any less, because my delicious Blogbod.....I felt it! It was flooding through every fibre of my being.....I felt absolute, unadulterated JOY!!!! I was on top of the world and it felt good! It continues to feel good every morning. Sure I still have issues, people and their actions still confuse me and at times they piss me off but you know the old adage of your glass being half empty or half full holds merit. It's outlook y' Bartender! Fill her up, right to the brim and let's live this life huh?!?! Oooh mine's a gin by the way.......xxxxx

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Smile, Sparkle, Twinkle and Shine.....

Well,'ve checked in. May I congratulate you on having such marvellous, highly tuned intuition that you simply knew that just one click of a mouse on this blog will bring fabulocity right into your daily bubble of stuff that is life.

Let me tell you, no matter what your nationality, ethnicity, gender, blood type, inside leg measurement, hair colour hahahaha. No matter how old you are, whether you dig boys, girls or both......everyone aspires to be happy and we all want to feel uplifted, positive and loved in our lives. We all have a desire to connect with others in a variety of different ways.
This is where Positively Sparkling fits in. Woohoo!!!!

Like the amazingly gifted Miss Aretha sings "I ain't no psychiatrist, I ain't no doctor with degrees..." I don't have all the answers. All I know is that if you do or say nice things to people, if you pass on the kindness, if you smile and say 'hey" once in a while, someone might just have a random smile for you. That's good odds my Blogfrogs. It's a bit like a Mexican Wave of Good Times.

So this is how we'll roll'll find what makes me tick, but this is in no way a one woman blog. I love, love, love getting mail so feel free to swing by and drop a bit of funky wisdom.

Having 'The Sparkles' is absolutely a frame of mind. Anyone can achieve it. You can choose to smile or frown, engage or withdraw, have a glass that's half full, or one that's half empty. Everyone has at least a little dusting of sparkly goodness in them and it's time to unleash it's power to the masses, like: Kaboom! Pow! Thwack!

So, always look on the 'Sparkly' side of life my friends, it's a very cool place to be!

Mwahzicles of Fabulocity....Y'all come back hear??? xxxx