Thursday 11 October 2012

The Good Life...That's What I'm Living!

Salutations Sparkly One! It is completely fabaroo to be sitting here having finally had a 'Great Big Think' about my Bucket List and be pretty much ready to share some of my thoughts and ideas on this subject.
Firstly, I have come to the conclusion that I do not particularly care much for the term 'Bucket List'. I don't think I am alone in feeling like there is something, well a bit too dowdy and ordinary about a bucket. It cannot be denied that the humble bucket is a functional piece of equipment, and every home should have one. However, the the aim of the game here is surely to make a working record of the most incredibly exhilarating, amazingly fulfilling, super-dupertastic deep and meaningful experiences that you can cobble together in your cranium. Oh and yes, I have done the Googly-woogly image search...I typed in: sparkly bucket, glittery bucket, twinkly bucket and finally...shiny bucket. Shiny bucket actually yielded a couple of options that made me go: "Hmmm...yeahh....naaahh" (Am thinking in 'Kiwi' more and more's kinda nice, like I'm turning into 'The Subconscious Kiwi) Haha, it has rather a nice ring to it.
Anyway, I affliction you'll become accustomed to should you care to drop by again.....So since the (Kick the) Bucket List is, well by it's very nature, time sensitive due to imminent expiry in a lack of breath kind of scenario and.....hopefully that isn't on the cards any time soon. So! Here it is......after all that procrastination......You still awake?......Yes, Sparklepops, I give you (In no particular order):


  1. Travel. NYC, Japan, Cuba, India feature as main destinations that stand out in definite 'must do' territory.
  2. Purchase a random ticket to anywhere...and honour it.
  3. Visit/Revisit Northern Ireland, Liverpool and Mighty, Mighty Cumbria. “It’s always good to remember where you come from and celebrate it. To remember where you come from is part of where you’re going.” (Anthony Burgess)
  4. Ride a yellow cab in NYC
  5. Learn to be competent in a foreign language.
  6. Sleep outside, under the stars. 
  7. Cook on the beach.
  8. Catch a fish.
  9. Write for a living.
  10. Host a party/function for charity.
  11. Be body painted.
  12. See Stevie Wonder and Prince live in concert.
  13. Renew wedding vows.
  14. Get a bike and ride it.
  15. Take a road trip with my friends.
  16. Host a Midwinter Christmas.
  17. Skydive.
  18. Drive a Ferrari.
  19. Eat pizza in Italy.
  20. Always be in touch with my Inner Child.
  21. Take a dance class.
  22. Take photography lessons.
  23. Get a tattoo.
  24. Ride a motorbike.
  25. Take a trip in a hot air balloon.
  26. Learn how to make a perfect pan o' scouse.
  27. Wear a couture gown.
  28. Own a pair of Laboutins.
  29. Dance on a table in a packed out bar.
  30. See the Northern and Southern Lights.
  31. Milk a cow.
  32. Sleep in an igloo.
  33. Visit the Ground Zero Memorial.
  34. Cultivate a veggie patch.
  35. Paint a picture that is worthy of hanging in the house.
  36. Have a psychic reading.
  37. Start up my own business.
  38. Eat and learn to make sushi.
  39. Observe what happens in a Funeral Parlour.
  40. Sleep in a very, very posh hotel.
  41. Get absolutely smashed off cocktails with my friends.
  42. Make friends with someone famous.
  43. Meet another KEM (both married and unmarried surname as initials are the same)
  44. Learn to pole dance.
  45. Send a care parcel to a soldier.
  46. Carry out random acts of kindness as often as possible.
  47. Make a 'dirty movie' with my husband.
  48. Fire a gun at a shooting range.
  49. Go skinny dipping at night.
  50. Drive so fast I'm scared.

So there it is folks 50 Shades of Stuff I Want to get on with it huh? Now...where to begin...?


  1. Love it! Can I come too?!!! And how have you not done this yet: Dance on a table in a packed out bar?!!! Seriously now, this is an awesome list! I think you're very brave to share!

    1. Hahaha! There's always room on the 'Sparklebus of Awesomeness' for you my friend. What'll we do first? x

  2. Well would you look at that list!!!!! What's going to be your first one, or is that part of the excitement,just see what crops up first!!!! How's it going my friend.... I've been pretty busy, but still managing to tick a couple of boxes on my list. Not enough hours in the day, but despite a few downs I'm pretty proud of the ups in my life at the mo. So much to tell you, so little time to do that lol! Hugs until the next catch up

    1. Hey there Rosieposie! I've decided it's either dance on a table in a packed out bar....or catch a fish. oooh d'ya think I could accomplish them both at the same time?!? Hugs back atcha my friend. xx
