Wednesday 11 April 2012

Smile, Sparkle, Twinkle and Shine.....

Well,'ve checked in. May I congratulate you on having such marvellous, highly tuned intuition that you simply knew that just one click of a mouse on this blog will bring fabulocity right into your daily bubble of stuff that is life.

Let me tell you, no matter what your nationality, ethnicity, gender, blood type, inside leg measurement, hair colour hahahaha. No matter how old you are, whether you dig boys, girls or both......everyone aspires to be happy and we all want to feel uplifted, positive and loved in our lives. We all have a desire to connect with others in a variety of different ways.
This is where Positively Sparkling fits in. Woohoo!!!!

Like the amazingly gifted Miss Aretha sings "I ain't no psychiatrist, I ain't no doctor with degrees..." I don't have all the answers. All I know is that if you do or say nice things to people, if you pass on the kindness, if you smile and say 'hey" once in a while, someone might just have a random smile for you. That's good odds my Blogfrogs. It's a bit like a Mexican Wave of Good Times.

So this is how we'll roll'll find what makes me tick, but this is in no way a one woman blog. I love, love, love getting mail so feel free to swing by and drop a bit of funky wisdom.

Having 'The Sparkles' is absolutely a frame of mind. Anyone can achieve it. You can choose to smile or frown, engage or withdraw, have a glass that's half full, or one that's half empty. Everyone has at least a little dusting of sparkly goodness in them and it's time to unleash it's power to the masses, like: Kaboom! Pow! Thwack!

So, always look on the 'Sparkly' side of life my friends, it's a very cool place to be!

Mwahzicles of Fabulocity....Y'all come back hear??? xxxx

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